"I've got a canvas, I've got a scene, let's fill that with sound."
Trent Reznor
Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Imagevideo
Music: Composition & Production

Radio OÖ / ORF Band
Guitars: Electric / Acoustic
Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität virtueller Rundgang
Music: Composition & Production
Since I started playing in bands I always wanted to do a song all on my own which is kind of funny looking back. So this is somewhat proof to myself and a reminder that I reached a set goal. It already did a lot and more than enough for me actually: it was part of my bachelor's degree performance, got me into jazz composition studies and it was almost a therapeutic process making it.
Expanded Animation 2022
"Synaesthetic Syntax: Gestures of Resistance"
Music: Composition & Production
black hole sun fingerstyle
As a fan, my solo guitar arrangement may serve as a tribute to Chris Cornell's work in Soundgarden, Audioslave or Solo.
Mella Casata | Boys tears
Acoustic version of Boys Tears at a bar in Steyr.
Guitarist & Recorings | 2021
the book of love
My solo guitar arrangement of Book Of Love written by Stephin Merritt also covered by Peter Gabriel.
Fingerstyle | Picking | 2019
tom & jerry - fit to be tied
Neu-Vertonung der Tom & Jerry Szene
I recorded and mixed all of the music by myself. If you're interested in the used plug-ins, harmonic
Komposition & Sounddesign | 2021
the mad doctor
Vertonung zu Mickey Mouse Comic
I recorded and mixed all of the music by myself. If you're interested in the used plug-ins, harmonic
Komposition & Sounddesign | 2021
Theater am Fluss - Sommertheater
Theater am Fluss - div. Produktionen
E-Gitarre, Akustik Gitarre, Banjo ('22), Arrangement & Komposition | 2019 - 2023

Theater am Fluss - Best of Austropop
Theater am Fluss - Abschlusskonzert: Saison '23
Arrangements: Austropop Konzertabend
Hausmannskost - Schmankerl des Austropop
Guitars: Electric / Acoustic
Hits von Wolfgang Ambros, Rainhard Fendrich, Georg Danzer, STS, Ostbahn Kurti, u.v.a. werden durch einen roten Faden humorvoll verbunden.
Musikvideo It's time
Schulprojekt der 4B der Musikmittelschule Hellmonsödt im Freifach "Multimedia Art"